Admission Requirements

The Admission Requirements into Aspirancy for the Diaconate

The Formation Team is tasked to evaluate and discern the suitability of applicants for formation to the Diaconate. The following requirements are based upon universal Church norms and/or Archdiocesan policy, as set by the Archbishop of Baltimore.

Personal Requirements:

  • Be a fully initiated Roman Catholic (Baptism, Confirmation, 1st Communion) for minimal of 6 years;
  • Be a registered parishioner in the Archdiocese of Baltimore;
  • Be an U.S. citizen or a legal, permanent resident at the time of admission;
  • Possess at least a working knowledge of English;
  • Be at least 31 years old and typically less than 56 years old (to be ordained between 35 and 60 years old);
  • Enjoy good physical and mental health with no condition which would impede diaconal ministry;
  • Successfully completed high school with ability to handle college level course work;
  • Participate in Equip for Ministry and/or parish based adult faith curriculum and courses;
  • Possess stability in your life, including family relationship and career, in line with Church’s values;
  • For those married, in a stable and valid marriage for at least 6 years, enjoy the full support of your wife and for those who are single, enjoy a stable and settled life with history of healthy relationships;
  • Possess financial security with history of steady employment (and flexibility to engage in diaconal formation and subsequent ministry);
  • Enjoy a good reputation in the community;
  • Be willing and able to commit significant time, energy, and effort to Deacon Formation, including time for study and pastoral service without detriment to yourself nor your family.

Ministry Requirements:

  • Be willing and able to make a life-long commitment to ongoing prayer and formation and to serve the Church of Baltimore after the example of Christ the Servant;
  • Be willing to promise respect and obedience to the Archbishop, and willing to accept any pastoral assignment;
  • Be willing to accept celibacy, or if married, be willing to accept celibacy if your wife precedes you in death;
  • Be highly recommended by parish clergy and lay ministers, by those who have worked with you in ministry and can attest to your potential in ordained ministry.


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