Special Education & Inclusion Programs

Within the Archdiocese of Baltimore, our academic vision is to nurture the God-given gifts of every student in service to the Mission of Jesus. We recognize the need to provide support and resources to students with learning differences and disabilities. Through a concerted effort between educational and support staff, administrators, and the Department of Schools, all schools have developed innovative resources and evidenced-based programs to plan for and meet the myriad of needs of the 21st century learner. The PRIDE (Pupils Receiving Inclusive Diversified Education) Program, a highly successful program for over 25 years, is in the process of being redesigned with an emphasis on inclusion, differentiation, and a multi-tiered approach to learning. All schools have developed plans for increasing academic capacity for students with learning differences, for hiring staff with special education experience, and for implementing archdiocesan inclusion guidelines with fidelity. Appeal funds will help support these efforts.

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