
Rev. Michael Foppiano
Director of Deacon Personnel

Deacon Robert Shephard
Associate Director of Deacon Personnel

Rev. William Keown
Director of Deacon Formation

Deacon Kevin Reid
Ministry to Retired Deacons

“The Sacrament of Holy Orders marks (deacons) with an imprint (‘character’) which cannot be removed and which configures them to Christ, who made himself the ‘deacon’ or servant of all.”(Catechism of the Catholic Church #1570)

Ever since Vatican II re-instituted the diaconate, the Archdiocese of Baltimore has been blessed by the dedication and selfless service of its growing “college” of Permanent Deacons. These men, after prayerfully answering the call, careful formation, and receiving the Sacrament of Holy Orders, do faithfully and joyfully serve the needs of our community through a three-fold Ministry of the Word, Liturgy, and Charity. The charism of the deacon is found in these words from their ordination rite, as they are given the Book of Gospels:

“Believe what you read. Teach what you believe. Practice what you teach.”

Whether you are a deacon or you are interested in finding out more about the diaconate, we hope you will visit these pages often. We welcome comments, suggestions, and questions. If you wish to learn more about the diaconal requirements and formation, please contact the Office of Clergy Personnel or call 410-547-5550.

Please pray for our Deacon Candidates in Formation

How is God calling you to follow? Could God be calling you to be a deacon?

The Deacon, through the grace of ordination, bears witness to Christ the Servant. As Archbishop Lori invites us into renewal and forming true missionary disciples in A Light Brightly Visible, the deacon serves as a witness and true blessing, helping to lead us outside the doors of the Church to serve our neighbor, to invite them into an encounter with the Lord Jesus, and ​to accompany them on the path of faith. In these unprecedented times of the pandemic, the Lord is still calling forth and equipping men and women for ministry. How is God calling you to follow as a disciple? Please pass on this information to others you feel may be called to this vital ministry as well.

If you are discerning, or simply willing to consider, becoming a deacon, attend an information session as a next step. In addition, we encourage you to connect with the priests and deacons at your home parish, so they know you are interested. After acceptance, deacon formation is a ​four-year process. Those gentlemen accepted into formation have stability in their lives, ​in their families, and in their faith​. This is measured​, at the time of ordination​, as 10 years as a Catholic, 10 years in marriage​ ​(if married​), and with the ability to provide for the needs of your family​, while balancing formation and future ministry expectations.

Deacon Information Sessions 2024

For more information, please reach out to the Director of Deacon Formation, Father Bill Keown at

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