Justice and Service

At stake is the dignity of the human person, whose defense and promotion have been entrusted to us by the Creator, and to whom the men and women at every moment of history are strictly and responsibly in debt.  As many people are already more or less clearly aware, the present situation does not seem to correspond to this dignity.  Every individual is called upon to play his or her part in this peaceful campaign, a campaign to be conducted by peaceful means, in order to secure development in peace, in order to safeguard nature itself and the world about us.  The Church too feels profoundly involved in this enterprise, and she hopes for its ultimate success.
Pope John Paull II, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis 47

Next Horizons

  • We have formed a task group to take a look at our Social Justice programming for youth and young adults.  You can review our planning worksheet and our notes from our January 13 meeting. If you have comments or suggestions, please contact D. Scott Miller.
  • In order to include youth and young adult involvement in our planning process, we will be invited staff and alumni from Justice Action Week, Micah 6:8, iServe and other service and justice  programs to gather this summer, review a survey regarding justice and service programs in our parisshes and assist in planning.  Here’s a summary of their discussions related to the survey.

Summer Workcamps / Conferences


Baltimore Service Opportunities


Official Catholic Organizations – Archdiocesan


Official Catholic Organization – National


Other Organizations