Baltimore despide al Obispo Brennan

Aproximadamente 300 personas, en su mayoría inmigrantes hispanos, expresaron su amor y gratitud por el ministerio del obispo auxiliar de Baltimore Mark E. Brennan durante una misa bilingüe de despedida el 11 de agosto en la Iglesia Sacred Heart of Jesus-Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en Highlandtown.
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Baltimore bids farewell to Bishop Brennan

Approximately 300 people, mostly Hispanic immigrants, expressed their love and gratitude for the ministry of Baltimore Auxiliary Bishop Mark E. Brennan during an Aug. 11 farewell Mass at Sacred Heart of Jesus-Sagrado Corazón de Jesús in Highlandtown.
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Conferencia de parejas hispanas en Laurel busca fortalecer el matrimonio

Organizado por las Arquidiócesis de Baltimore y Washington, el evento atrajo a unos 400 católicos hispanos interesados en profundizar su formación en el plan de Dios sobre el matrimonio y la familia para ponerlo en práctica en casa, y para muchos de ellos, también en sus ministerios.
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Hispanic couples conference in Laurel seeks to strengthen marriage

Organized by the Archdioceses of Baltimore and Washington, the sold-out event attracted about 400 Hispanic Catholics interested in furthering their formation on God’s plan on marriage and family and put it into practice at home – and for many of them, also in their ministries.
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En un asunto familiar con acento Hispano, la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore ordena 14 diáconos permanentes

No es ninguna exageración imaginar que la patrona de la Catedral de Nuestra Reina María en Homeland, apreció la escena.
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Con su ministerio en Laurel Park, sacerdote quiere oler no a ovejas, pero a ‘caballos’

"El Papa dice que tengamos olor a oveja, pero yo quiero tener olor a caballo", dijo el padre Mateus-Ariza con una sonrisa, refiriéndose al llamado del papa Francisco a los sacerdotes a evangelizar caminando entre su rebaño. "Una de las razones por las que me gusta el papa es exactamente por eso, porque se trata...
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Ministering at Laurel Park, priest wants to smell not like sheep, but a ‘horse’

Father Mateus-Ariza, pastor of Resurrection of Our Lord in Laurel, has a parish community that is small, vibrant and culturally diverse. He utilizes every opportunity to bring people to his parish, and when someone at the racetrack invited him to visit the workers, the priest immediately grabbed the opportunity.
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Archbishop Lori leads Stations of the Cross during ‘Panama in the Capital’ event

As World Youth Day 2019 came to a close in Panama, about 1,400 young adults representing about 20 dioceses throughout the United States gathered Jan. 26 at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., to join in the joy, prayer and fellowship of the global event.
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Attendees return home from Encuentro with hopes, eagerness to share gifts

Fifth National Encuentro participants returned to their dioceses and parishes with many challenges and hopes.
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Today is ‘hour of the laity,’ Archbishop Gomez tells Encuentro delegates

Hispanic Catholic leaders are living an important moment in the history of the Catholic church in the U.S. and are called to rise and continue the work of building the church, Los Angeles Archbishop Jose H. Gomez said Sept. 23.
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Encuentro opens with procession, papal message, prayers for abuse victims

A video message from Pope Francis and a procession of Encuentro crosses representing all of the participating episcopal regions were the highlights during the first day of the National Fifth Encuentro gathering taking place Sept. 20-23 in Grapevine.
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Accompanying families, reaching out to youth recurring encuentro themes

The Catholic Church needs to walk with and accompany Hispanic and immigrant families, reach out to youth and young adults, and strengthen faith and leadership formation.
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