Time with Jesus in the great outdoors

Last weekend was beautiful, particularly mild for mid-to-late January. The sun was shining, the sky was a brilliant blue and the blast of frigid air had not yet traveled east. 

I took advantage of the nice weather Sunday afternoon – before the Ravens game, of course – and went for a 3-mile walk on the Northern Central Railroad (NCR) Trail in Baltimore County. It wasn’t too crowded, which is how I prefer it.

All of my cares melted away as fresh air filled my lungs. I relished the silence, hearing only the wind and snippets of conversations from walkers, joggers and bikers on the trail.

It was just me, Jesus and nature. As I spent time enjoying God’s creation, I prayed, deepening my relationship with him.

As I headed outdoors for my daily run this morning, in the arctic winter air, I found myself praying as I ran down the road. My morning runs have become my quiet time with Jesus and I cherish it.

After all, it is the Year of Faith, a period of prayer, reflection and renewal called by Pope Benedict XVI. How do you make time for Jesus in your daily life?

Photo credit: Elizabeth Lowe 

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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