
March 9, 2014

Rite of Election Spanish

Amigos, Queridos catecúmenos, candidatos, y todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas aquí presentes, Hemos escuchado en las Sagradas escrituras como Adán y Eva cayeron en la tentación; sin embargo también escuchamos como Cristo supero las tentaciones en el desierto. Cristo nos da vida nueva y nos invita a continuar el camino hacia Dios. Él también fue...
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Rite of Election

Introduction On the first Sunday of Lent the Church invites all of us, but especially those of you preparing for initiation at Easter, to confront the all-too-human tendency to give in to temptation and to fall into sin. And, at the conclusion of Lent, during the Easter Vigil and on Easter Sunday, the Church will...
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What taking our son to Mass taught me about God’s love

Maybe it was when I noticed our 4-year-old was playing with a rubber band he found in the pew.Maybe it was when I was fielding murmured questions about whether everyone has “infinity” strands of hair.Maybe it was when I glanced down and saw that he was pretending his coat was
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