
April 30, 2013

Sing a song of sixpence or money for a toy

I never want our children to be worried about whether we’ll have enough money for things we need.At the same time, though, I want our sons to appreciate that we are blessed to have many resources not available to everyone in the world. I also want them to realize the
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‘My sheep hear my voice’

The Gospel reading from the 4th Sunday of Easter had many messages for us. Here is the text to jog your memory:“Jesus said: ‘My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them
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Why your attitude at work is everything

I’ve read inspirational blogs or articles from life coaches that say when it comes to success - just as important as talent, smarts and having the right people in your corner - is attitude.Positive people put forth a more attractive energy and according to research, seem to stay healthier, have
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