Rolling out my yoga mat

One of my goals for 2013 is to slow down.

In the past few weeks I have thought about how to do that. Taking up yoga keeps popping into my head, so I’m giving it another try.

Over the years I have taken yoga classes and enjoyed them, but this form of exercise/meditation is not something I’ve stuck with. The reason is likely because I am not particularly flexible and do not have great balance.

I have been discussing with my husband the idea of me taking up yoga. Earlier this week, he surprised me when he came home with a yoga mat. As soon as I unrolled the mat, wiggled my toes and stepped onto it, the yoga positions I learned years ago came back to me. I was amazed – and slightly impressed.

I am enjoying a few minutes of yoga in the mornings after my run and additional time at night on the mat. The sense of tranquility associated with practicing yoga makes me wonder why I waited so long.

It is a great way for me to spice up my exercise regimen, improve my balance, flexibility and unplug from this overstimulated world we live in. It’s also an opportunity to be silent and another way to spend time with God in my daily life praying and counting my blessings.

Now, I just need to carve out time to take yoga classes.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.