
April 25, 2018

My moo-ving experience with some cows

Has your car ever been rocked back and forth by vigorous bovine tongues? Mine has. Here's the story.
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Holy Cows: Partnership in Howard County aids those in need in Baltimore City

Part of the shrine’s acreage was leased for farming that used pesticides. Upon re-evaluating, the friars determined that the current usage was not cohesive with the message of the Franciscans on being stewards of the land.
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Glyndon student wins with essay

“As Americans,” Karolina wrote in her essay, “we are proud of our freedoms, we are admired for our freedoms, and we are hated for our freedoms.”
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Doctors criticize court refusal to allow Alfie Evans to go to Italy

A group of doctors has criticized the refusal of some of their colleagues and a court to allow Alfie Evans to travel to Italy for treatment as "medical tyranny."
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Archbishop and CEO of Bank of America Lead Business Leaders in Roundtable Discussion about Catholic Education in Baltimore City

On Thursday, April 26th at 4p.m. at the Center Club in Baltimore, Archbishop William E. Lori, 16th Archbishop of Baltimore, and Brian Moynihan, Chairman and CEO of Bank of America, will lead a group of Baltimore business leaders and philanthropists in a discussion about the importance of supporting Catholic education in the Baltimore area. More...
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