
April 15, 2017

7 Quick Takes: When you go to work and watch people break a world record live on The Today Show and other moments from the week

I started my work day at Loyola University Maryland at 4:30 a.m. on Thursday as we prepared to welcome Al Roker and The Today Show to campus. Even typing that, I almost can’t believe the day actually happened, but the night before I was more worried I would sleep in
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Canadian court OKs three-parent family

OTTAWA (CNS) -- Pro-marriage and Catholic groups have called for a federal government study after the Court of Appeal for Ontario recognized three parents for a child living with a lesbian couple.
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Young Catholic urges donation of money

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Rich Halvorson is counting on 10 million Americans to fast with him Ash Wednesday, Feb. 21, and to donate the money they would have spent on food to what he terms “highly efficient” charities. Mr. Halvorson, a 25-year-old Catholic from Boise, Idaho, believes the donations could reach $50 million. The charities he’s...
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Explore ways to find love after 50

Mary Ann Leard learned how to lay laminate flooring by attending clinics at Home Depot on Saturday mornings. She attended to learn the skill, not to meet someone; however, Ms. Leard said that’s one good way for singles to meet people. “It takes the focus off yourself,” said the single 60-year-old president of the archdiocese’s...
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Soul mates without the soul

Without mention of the soul, the Merriam-Webster dictionary describes a “soul mate” as “a person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament; a person who strongly resembles another in attitudes or beliefs.” Monsignor Jeremiah F. Kenney, judicial vicar, agrees that the soul is not involved. “The Church has no position on the term if...
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Active mind may decrease chances of Alzheimer’s

Dr. Barbara Ensor is hooked on Sudoku, the challenging 9-by-9 grid Japanese brainteaser seemingly everywhere lately in print and online. The challenge of Sudoku is that a number between one and nine can appear only once on each row, in each column and on each 3-by-3 area. The doctor realizes the puzzle is a way...
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The last dance as daddy’s little girl

Kimberly Hartman has been eagerly planning her June wedding for months now and after searching through typical father-daughter wedding songs, she and her parents decided on Heartland’s “I loved her first.” It is tradition for the father of the bride to dance with his daughter on her wedding day. This is the last dance that...
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Young lobbyists take to Hill for Catholic schools

WASHINGTON – A wave of teenage – and preteen – lobbyists descended upon Washington Jan. 31 to make the legislative case for Catholic schools on a variety of issues, including educational choice. They were Catholic school students themselves and were at the Capitol for the annual National Appreciation Day for Catholic Schools, part of the...
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IAAM Winter Sports All-Stars

The Interscholastic Athletic Association of Maryland proudly announced their 2006 – 2007 Winter Sports All-Stars. The Catholic Review is proud to list those female athletes representing our Catholic High Schools.
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The 36th Annual BCL All-Tournament Team

36th Annual Baltimore Catholic League All-Tournament Team
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MIAA winter all-stars 2006-2007

MIAA winter all-stars 2006-2007 The Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association proudly announced their basketball all-stars. The Catholic Review is proud to list those athletes representing our Catholic high schools.
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Death without dignity in the nation’s capital

The Council of the District of Columbia and the mayor have approved a law allowing physician-assisted suicide. Under Article I of our Constitution, Congress has legislative authority over the district and can block that law. Here are three nonpartisan reasons why it should do so.
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