The last dance as daddy’s little girl

Kimberly Hartman has been eagerly planning her June wedding for months now and after searching through typical father-daughter wedding songs, she and her parents decided on Heartland’s “I loved her first.”

It is tradition for the father of the bride to dance with his daughter on her wedding day. This is the last dance that a father and daughter will share before she starts her life and her dances with her new husband.

Ms. Hartman said she chose the song because they believe it fits her perfectly.

“At one point in the song there is a line that talks about a little freckled face kid and I have freckles,” said Ms. Hartman.

This country song is about a father reminiscing about the little girl that he once knew and how he doesn’t want that close relationship to end. Ms. Hartman, the oldest of two girls, said that she and her dad have always been close. She remembers dancing on her dad’s feet when she was little like many daddy’s little girls do.

She believes that this dance with her dad is an important step from being supported by her family to forming a supportive relationship with her new husband. The dance represents the father letting go of his little girl to become a wife, said the St. Agnes parishioner.

Ms. Hartman met her fiancé, Christopher Holtzner, through a friend and for the last year and a half he has become apart of the Hartman family. Mr. Holtzner, 23, asked Mr. Hartman for permission to marry his daughter. When he was granted permission Mr. Holtzner was so excited to propose that he skipped his original plan, asking Ms. Hartman at a Valentine’s Day dinner, and got down on one knee the next day.

“Most of our clients will forgo other traditions like the garter toss, but they still want to do the dance with their parents,” said Peyton Craig who started Encounters Inc. in 1999.
“In some cases women are dancing with two or three father figures.”

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According to Davis Deejays

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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