Archdiocesan Lay Pastoral Council Member Job Description

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Members of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council should be practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church who are actively involved in their parish life.  They should be accepting of Church teaching, and accustomed to the practice of prayerful discernment.  They should possess good communications and interpersonal skills, and should be comfortable speaking in a group setting.  They should also be integrated in their local Catholic community and in touch with the prevalent opinions and concerns of the local Catholic laity.

Specific Responsibilities

  • Attend quarterly Council meetings at rotating locations throughout the Archdiocese
  • Provide honest, constructive counsel on major initiatives of the Archdiocese that reflects local input
  • Establish regular contact with local Catholic community in order to identify areas of focus or concerns of the laity for the Archbishop
  • Remain up-to-date on current issues affecting the Archdiocese and the global Church through relevant publications and social media


  • Regular participation in Catholic liturgical and sacramental life and habit of personal prayer
  • Well-informed understanding and acceptance of Church teaching
  • Understanding of Church structure and operating procedures
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to communicate collegially and candidly in a group setting and to represent community rather than personal interests
  • Experience in strategic planning, committee work or other similar activities helpful
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