Homeschool students explain their life

In this week’s edition of The Catholic Review, I have a story about Archbishop O’Brien celebrating Mass with Catholic families who do homeschooling. Included in that story are the Hill family, who were are well know advocates for homeschool families and have done it for 30 years themselves. There are plenty of preconceived notions about children from homeschool and, I’ll admit, I had mine. Many people do. But, in doing the story, I realized there was only a small portion of the experience I could share with our newspaper readers. So, I wanted to use this opportunity to share a nearly six-minute audio clip of me talking with mother Miki Hill and her two children, Madeline and Matthew. The teenagers enjoy their experience and I thought many people might be interested to hear what goes on in their lives. I learned they relish their religious education, love participating in sports, have friends like every teenager and are active in pro-life activities as well. Above all, they come off as normal, well-adjusted young people. It’s a tribute to Miki and Tim Hill. They’ve worked hard in their commitment to homeschool, but to also have their children lead engaged lives in the world.

Without further ado, here is some audio. Apologies for the occasional ruffling of papers in front of the mic. Being a reporter also means trying to not drop four things in your hands.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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