Prayer of a Married Couple

Lord God, we acknowledge your greatness and our need for your grace in our marriage.

We thank you now for the gift you have given us in each other, this opportunity to love and be
loved completely.

We accept this beautiful challenge and ask you to bless us.

May our love encourage us to grow to be holier individuals, bringing out the best in each other.

Following your example, Jesus, may we be quick to forgive, ready with a healing word or touch.

Teach us to speak to each other with charity and honesty.

Help us avoid the temptation to take each other for granted.

Instead, remind us, day by day, to see each other as you see us.

May we be as patient with each other as you are with us.

May our love be generous, reaching out beyond ourselves to all we meet.

We pray that they may meet you in us.

Let our life together be a light of hope to those who fear that a total commitment is not possible

Faith gives us courage, for we believe that the love that comes from you is freeing and life-giving.

Lord, be a partner with us in our marriage; with your help it will be strong and enduring.

We rejoice that you have brought us together.

May we always be one in you.


— Lauri Przybysz, 1990

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