What I Wore Sunday, though “What We Did with Our Palms” would be more exciting

I always enjoy seeing other bloggers who post for “What I Wore Sunday,” but I’ve never joined in. What I usually wear is whichever sweater or blazer is clean and a pair of pants.
This week, though, John and I went to a 1920s-themed gala to support Mercy High School in Baltimore, so I had this dress I had borrowed from a friend. I figured why not wear it one more time before I give it back? (That makes sense, right, Maureen?) And I knew I would be going to Mass without John, who had other plans for today and went to Mass last night. Somehow going to Mass dressed up seemed like a good strategy—and it’s Palm Sunday.
So I wore the dress, some of the bright red 1920s-style lipstick I bought yesterday, and a different scarf and tights.

Hair, properly damp in pre-Mass close-up, just to keep things authentic
Part of the challenge in this is having to take a picture of yourself, which may be even less my thing than fashion—if that’s possible.
But my friend Rosie at A Blog for My Mom, who has been hosting What I Wore Sunday for the past few weeks, had pointed out to me that children are capable of managing a camera.
So I handed that task off to my sons.
Isn’t it dramatic with that gray, cloudy sky? Maybe fashion blogging is not for me after all! And, just for fun, here’s a shot of me on the way to the gala. John and I did not dance the Charleston, but we had a wonderful time.
We saw people we knew, met people we didn’t know, and left feeling great, as we always do, about Catholic education.
This morning I survived Mass with the boys. To me Palm Sunday is one of the most challenging Masses to attend as a parent. The Gospel reading is wonderful, but so long. Your children are given palms, which can become anything and everything. Ours became crosses, halos, letters of the alphabet, whips, and every weapon I can think of before I finally confiscated them.
But we actually did remarkably well. And, when I say, “we,” I include myself. To me the key is my remaining calm and patient but firm. And taking away the palm before anyone near us loses an eye.
Hope you have a wonderful Holy Week!
Black dress, borrowed from a friend, label says, “Susan Graves”
Scarf, owned for a million years
Black flats, Soft Style
Stockings, Target
Lipstick, Love Red, No. 7
For other What I Wore Sunday posts, go to Fine Linen and Purple.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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