Sunday Snippets—A Catholic Carnival

I’m joining other Catholic bloggers in posting links from my blogs over the past week at RAnn’s Place.

Because my sister and brother-in-law got married last Saturday, this week was not a typical one for me, and the posts are not as focused on our children and immediate family as they usually are.

In “Do you promise to cry at your sister’s wedding? I do.” I describe the emotions of being part of my little sister’s wedding day, share my favorite picture from the day, and link to the video of their absolutely lovely first dance.

In “What I’d like most is to coast through the toast” I share the toast I gave at their wedding and some of my other favorite photos from their special day.

In “Answering questions about adoption: Since you asked…” I answer two of the questions I received about adoption when I offered to respond to questions for National Adoption Month. I talk about how long the wait to adopt was for us and how we try to integrate our sons’ Chinese culture into our lives.

If you’re a Catholic blogger, join in the fun!

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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