Giving to Catholic Schools

Key Milestones in Catholic Schools History


Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton opens St. Joseph Free School, the first Catholic School to educate the poor, indigent and immigrant children in the United States.


Mother Mary Lange opens St. Frances Academy in Baltimore, the first Catholic School for children of Color in the United States.


Catholic elementary schools in the United States reach a total number of 6,551. Secondary education continues to grow as well, with more than 1,500 schools in operation.


Catholic school enrollment in the United States reaches its peak, with 5.2 million students enrolled in nearly 13,000 schools.

Support Catholic Education Today

Support Catholic Education Today

Your donation to the 2016 Catholic Schools
Appeal will provide much needed financial support
to families in all of the Catholic Schools in the
Archdiocese of Baltimore. Your support will make
it possible for these families to stay in our school
system and for new students to enroll— making
a Catholic school education possible for all who
believe in its value, but cannot afford it.

“Catholic Schools provide
more than just a great
education. They teach the
skills and confidence to lead
a better life and make each
student a better person.”

-Byron Pitts,
60 Minutes Correspondent and
Baltimore Catholic Schools Graduate

Ways to Give

Support Catholic Education Today

Your donation to the 2016 Catholic Schools Appeal will provide much needed financial support to
families in all of the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Your support will make it
possible for these families to stay in our school system and for new students to enroll— making
a Catholic school education possible for all who believe in its value, but cannot afford it.

Complete the tear-off donation card and mail with your check or credit card information in the
envelope attached to this form

To make an online gift, please visit our online donation page at

Use the “My Commitment to Another Charity/ Charities” section of the United Way of Central Maryland
pledge form to designate your gift to Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

#54321 Archdiocese of Baltimore Catholic Schools
#55960 Anne Arundel County Catholic Schools
#55955 Baltimore City Catholic Schools
#55956 Baltimore County Catholic Schools
#55959 Carroll & Frederick Co. Catholic Schools
#55957 Harford County Catholic Schools
#55958 Howard County Catholic Schools