Revolutions, Not Resolutions!

Welcome to the New Year! Welcome to 2013!

We’ve made it through a whopper of a year in 2012. Major weather storms, tragedies beyond comprehension, life-changing elections, and a pending Mayan Apocalypse all made their mark last year, but that’s in the past.

As 2012 came to an end, many of you made traditional resolutions to lose weight, get out of debt, quit smoking, eat better, etc. But I didn’t make any resolutions. In fact, I haven’t made any in quite a long time.

Why? You’re setting yourself up for failure.

I’m not going to get all doom and gloom on you here, but most people have forgotten all about their resolutions by the time the Super Bowl comes around. I don’t want you to be one of those lost people who don’t know where the first six weeks of the year went! That’s not for you!

I propose making a revolution! Commit to making revolutionary changes in your life and the world around you. It can be done.

What’s the difference between a revolution and a resolution? Only that I’m challenging you to set big goals and create a plan to make your personal revolution a success. That means your resolutions have become goals with dates attached to them and you have committed to the completion of these goals. You’ve found someone or a group of people to hold you accountable, and you have allowed yourself to think big and dream big.

I want every day of your life to be better than before but only you can control that. Only you can decide if you want change enough to make it revolutionary instead of just ordinary.

When I was in the Navy, I used to hear the SEALs say, “The only easy day was yesterday.” Adopt that as your motto too as you challenge yourself to be more and do more every day in every area of your life.

Feel free to connect with me if you want accountability from me, but also check out one of my favorite books, PUSH by Chalene Johnson ( The book will help get you on the path to your own personal revolution by creating new and healthy habits in the next 30 days. It’s a great book and I’m blessed to be able to share what I have learned about personal development with all of you!

Here’s to a great 2013 and an amazing year of faith!

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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