Postcard from Rome: The ‘other’ Ratzinger


By Monsignor Adam Parker

Special to the Review

Periodically, the Catholic Review will feature “Postcards from Rome,” an update on the life of Cardinal Edwin F. O’Brien and Monsignor Adam Parker in Rome. The photos and information are provided by Monsignor Parker as he experiences Italy.

Living in Rome occasionally presents some especially unique opportunities. On Nov. 11, I was invited to a special concert in the Sistine Chapel for the performance of the “Mass of the Holy Year” composed by Pope Benedict XVI’s brother, Monsignor Georg Ratzinger. Both the Holy Father and his 88-year-old brother were present for the concert which was performed by the Pontifical Choir of the Sistine Chapel. It was a special experience to be there with the pope since that is the very room where he was elected.

The choir stood directly in front of Michelangelo’s “Last Judgment” which provided an incredible backdrop for the concert. This photograph was taken immediately after the concert. You can see the obvious resemblance between the brothers! The Holy Father normally gives a speech following the concert, but in this case he said that he would simply give a blessing so as not to impose his opinion.

Copyright (c) Nov. 14, 2012

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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