Deacon Arrested on Child Pornography Charges

Earlier today, the Archdiocese of Baltimore learned that Deacon William Albaugh, 66, was arrested this morning on one charge of possession of child pornography by the Baltimore County Police Department. Albaugh, a permanent deacon assigned to St. Joseph Church in Fullerton, was ordained in 1996 and has spent his entire ministry at St. Joseph. The Archdiocese immediately suspended Mr. Albaugh’s diaconal faculties prohibiting him from all public ministry. The Archdiocese is working with St. Joseph Parish to inform the parish community.

Neither the parish nor the Archdiocese has received any prior allegations against Mr. Albaugh, who successfully fulfilled all of the child & youth protection requirements of the Archdiocese, including a criminal history screening.

The Archdiocese of Baltimore is committed to protecting children and helping to heal victims of abuse. We urge anyone who has any knowledge of any child sexual abuse to come forward, and to report it immediately to civil authorities. The Baltimore County Police Crimes Against Children Unit can be reached by calling 410-853-3650 or 911. If clergy or other Church personnel are suspected of committing the abuse, we ask that you also call the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Office of Child and Youth Protection Hotline at 1-866-417-7469.

The Archdiocese encourages the supportive prayers of the faithful for the St. Joseph community and for Deacon Albaugh’s wife and family at this very difficult time.

Sean Caine

Sean Caine is Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of Communications

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