Catholic Review article is embarrassing

The article “Why not women priests?” breaks new ground in bringing forth arguments that support an all-male clergy.

While there may be arguments that reasonable people can discuss, the reasons provided by papal theologian Father Wojciech Giertych hardly qualify. 

To say that priests should be male because “men are more likely to think of God in terms of philosophical definitions and logical syllogisms … .” may be a reason for a lack of good preaching in the Catholic Church, but hardly qualifies as a reason for an all-male clergy. 

To say that priests “love the church in a characteristically male way when they show concern about structures … buildings … the roof of the church when it is leaking …” may be a reason for a lack of pastoral sensitivity, but is not a reason for an all-male clergy.  

Father Giertych then points out that “women are better able to perceive the proximity of God and enter into a relationship with (God) …” which may be a reason FOR women priests whose primary job it is to bring people closer to God.  

To say that this article is an embarrassment is to be kind. And by the way, if we are not supposed to be discussing women priests, why is the papal theologian discussing it?


Greg Malanowski

Feb. 12, 2013

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.