
May 12, 2018

How to widen our hearts on Mother’s Day

The church counts on so many to "mother" its children -- women religious, teachers, nurses and catechists. Giving thanks for this wider vision of motherhood is a rich celebration of God at work in our midst.
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Vatican: Pope wants bishops to take responsibility for abuse scandal

Pope Francis called the bishops of Chile to the Vatican to "examine the causes and consequences" of the clerical sexual abuse scandal and acknowledge personal responsibility and "the mechanisms that in some cases led to a cover up and serious omissions regarding the victims," the Vatican said.
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NDP lacrosse tops McDonogh, 10-8, in historic streak-ending A Conference final

The 21 seniors on the lacrosse roster of Notre Dame Preparatory School were third-graders and on other campuses on April 11, 2009, the last time McDonogh School had lost a game in the sport.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Aquinas College Baccalaureate Mass

Life is not merely about ourselves. You exist because in some specific way God is calling you to proclaim the Gospel and to build up the Kingdom of God in this world.
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