
March 3, 2018

Thousands attend Rev. Graham’s ‘last crusade’ under revival-style tent

Under a billowing white tent and Carolina blue sky, Christian leaders and close friends said goodbye to "America's pastor," the Rev. Billy Graham, during a private funeral service March 2.
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Archbishop Lori’s Remarks – Opening Remarks; Social Ministry Convocation

Dr. King’s principles in fact take us to the heart of the Gospel and at the same time to the heart of our own social teaching. They are aimed at the conversion of our hearts not as a head trip but rather as an impetus for action – as a way of resisting injustice peacefully...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily – Saturday 2nd Week of Lent; Mass for Consecrated Life

Like the saints of Baltimore and like St. Katharine Drexel, you, our jubilarians, have set your sights not on earthly power, money, pleasure, or success – but rather on the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of Mercy, which Jesus came to inaugurate in our midst.
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