
April 15, 2017

Canadian court OKs three-parent family

OTTAWA (CNS) -- Pro-marriage and Catholic groups have called for a federal government study after the Court of Appeal for Ontario recognized three parents for a child living with a lesbian couple.
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Beyond the CR pages: Calvert Hall’s Thanksgiving food drive

In this week’s Catholic Review, you’ll see a brief item about Calvert Hall’s annual Thanksgiving food drive, which collected 13,000 pounds of food for a series of local outreaches. The classes from the all-boys Towson high school even turned it into a contest to see who could collect the most cans. Campus minister Marc Parisi...
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Looking for Jesus in the Holy Land

By Christopher Gunty The Catholic Review “On entering the tomb they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a white robe, and they were utterly amazed. He said to them, ‘Do not be amazed! You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Behold the...
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Prayers come alive for pilgrim travelers

By Christopher Gunty The Catholic Review We say some prayers so quickly, sometimes we get to the end of the prayer and think, “What did I just say?” Prayers such as the Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary, if the domestic church is alive and strong, we learned from our parents – or even from...
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Christmas in October

By Christopher Gunty The Catholic Review “Silent Night” and “O, Come, All Ye Faithful” in the middle of October? Christmas carols would be liturgically inappropriate, if not for the location of our Mass this morning. We celebrated using the readings from the Christmas Mass at Midnight in a small chapel, said by tradition to have...
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Easter’s joy; Good Friday’s Passion all in one day

By Christopher Gunty The Catholic Review If you’re following the blog, you already know the group of pilgrim priest from Baltimore spent part of Friday in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, with a visit to the Western Wall. The day was also as liturgically out of season as the day before, when we celebrated Christmas...
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Shall we gather at the river?

By Christopher Gunty The Catholic Review Saturday, on the road from Jerusalem and Jericho in Israel to Petra, in Jordan, our intrepid pilgrims stopped by the Jordan River and the place where John the Baptist is believed to have baptized our Lord. The site where the actual baptism probably took place has the ruins of...
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Father Martin’s reflection: “The God of Surprises met me”

I asked the priests in the group to share their some of their reflections on the pilgrimage. Here’s one from Father Martin Burnham. – CG
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The Pilgrim’s Way

Beatification bound Or, “Roamin’ to Rome” ORTE, Italy – Coming from Kentucky and Tennessee, Florida and Ohio, Maryland and Virginia, Delaware and Pennsylvania, a group of 50 pilgrims from the eastern United States gathered in Rome to join hundreds of thousands of others expected to witness the beatification of Karol Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II....
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