
July 24, 2013

Michael Phelps’ what-if Twitter feed from a decade ago

Can you remember what you were doing 10 years ago?On Friday, July 25, 2003, thousands of Baltimoreans were beginning a pilgrimage to Cooperstown, N.Y., to witness Eddie Murray’s induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame. I was in Barcelona, Spain, covering the world swimming championships, where Michael Phelps climbed atop
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Guest Blog: Rio is no short trip from Baltimore

Rio is no short trip from Baltimore. After getting to Miami, we traveled 9 hours by plane to arrive in Rio.
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Guest Blog: Our second day in Rio de Janeiro

We began with an early screening and discussion of our film with pilgrims from around the world.
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Have I ever told you how I met my husband?

You won’t believe what I did.Ten years ago I signed up for—brace yourself—an online Catholic singles dating site.It was something I had never thought I’d do. I always assumed I’d meet the man I would marry through work or through a friend, perhaps in college or at a party or
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