
September 26, 2012

From homeless to self-worth

Among the crowd supporting Bank of America Sept. 8 at Catholic Charities of Baltimore’s 2012 Dragon Boat Races were about 50 men from Christopher Place Employment Academy.
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Catholic high school youths learn about evangelization

Students and campus ministers from 10 Catholic high schools attended a daylong conference to talk about New Evangelization.
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Bearing the Load Part II: My hands are full because I am a mother

  “Two little boys? You have your hands full!” says the woman behind me in line as I load up the conveyor belt with what groceries I was able to gather before both Collin and Frank entered simultaneous nuclear meltdown mode. “You have no idea,” I told her, as I stuck a
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Welcome, autumn

Not only was Sunday the first full day of fall (my favorite season), it was also the annual Race For Our Kids, a road race I look forward to every year. Race proceeds benefit pediatric oncology at the Herman and Walter Samuelson Children’s Hospital at Sinai. Raising money for sick
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Home modifications promote safety, better communities

As people are living longer today than ever before, many are choosing to remain in their homes rather than move to senior housing or continuing care retirement communities.
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