
February 17, 2017

6th Week Friday A; Mid-Atlantic Congress

I. Manually Challenged! I might as well admit it – I’m manually challenged. For the life of me, I can’t drive a nail straight or use a saw. If memory serves, as a child I even had trouble with Legos and Lincoln Logs. And what an unpleasant surprise that was to my parents. When Mom...
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Archbishop Lori and other USCCB leaders urge Trump to protect religious liberty

Catholic Church leaders in a Feb. 16 statement said they were encouraged that President Donald Trump may be considering an executive order to protect religious freedom.
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Counteract vitriol by toning it down, talking less, listening more, pope says

“It necessary to tone it down a bit, to talk less and listen more,” the pope told students and others at Rome Tre University.
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Maryland legislators hear wrenching testimony on physician-assisted suicide

The hearing lasted seven hours, with proponents and opponents trading emotional testimonies.
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Archbishop Gregory opens Mid-Atlantic Congress with keynote address on creation

The evidence seems to be incontrovertible that human beings are not tending the world as God created it, the archbishop said.
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Mastering Fitness: Broadened PE curriculums encourage student movement

Children and adolescents are advised to do more than 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day.
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