Time to regain respect church once commanded

I found it disturbing that the only reference (CR, Sept. 4) to Nancy Pelosi’s erroneous and scandalous comments on when life begins was found in a letter to the editor rather than as an article the week before when several archbishops chided her and corrected her erroneous statements. It appears that the democrat is being protected by the Archdiocese of Baltimore, much the same way the illegal aliens are being protected by the church even though they are clearly breaking the law.

I feel that this country and the church today would not be in the state they are had we seen strong leadership on doctrine from our church hierarchy over the past 30-some years. The perception that we have the “10 Suggestions” and not the 10 Commandments would not be rampant if the leaders of the Church spoke out against the evils that are consuming our world.

It’s time to stop being politically correct and time to start regaining the respect that the church commanded years ago.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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