Series part 1 dismissed ‘nuns on the bus’


“On the edge” (CR, Sept. 6) touts a color photograph of Rep. Paul Ryan holding a copy of his budget proposal and then proceeds in a paragraph to explain his rationale behind it while egregiously omitting any mention of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops who “issued an unusually strong letter in April which stated that the Ryan budget failed a basic moral test,” and then condescendingly and dismissively gives a scant one line to the “nuns on the bus.”

Their director, Sister Simone Campbell had said: “We agree with our bishops and that’s why we went on the road.” We disappointedly look upon this article merely as an editorial and not as an honest attempt to “form the Catholic conscience.” We expected more from you. Sorry, Catholic Review, we, like the nuns, are with the bishops!


George and Marcia Wines


Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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