Most Popular Posts of 2016

As 2016 comes to a close, I looked back to see which blog posts were most read. It’s always interesting to me to see which posts appeal to the most readers. It’s particularly fascinating—and really not surprising—to me that they are often the posts on the most serious and difficult topics.
And here I thought you just came by to complain about elementary school homework and find out what happens when St. Nicholas and the Tooth Fairy bump into each other in the hallway.
Here are the top Open Window posts from the year, counting down to Number 1…
The only thing that is more fun than going on an extended family vacation is reading about one. Or wait…is going on it more fun? I don’t know. You tell me.
Even though I don’t often think of infertility as a cross I still bear, I can’t seem to stop writing about it. It is such a difficult and isolating journey.
Failing at homework is sort of a talent for me, but somehow I was able to complete this assignment.

During the month of October, I blogged every day. Until the evening of Sept. 30, I wasn’t sure what my theme would be for the month, but St. Therese nudged me toward this one, and I am so grateful that she did.
What an extraordinary day. Every time I watch our older son receive Communion, I am in awe of the young man he is becoming.

We are still going strong with Pokemon Go, but it’s fun to remember our first days exploring it together.
Although Kim Kardashian probably didn’t use any of my advice, a few other people stopped by to see what I had to say about adding a second child to your family.
Photo from eCatholic stock photos
This post had been a long time coming, and I’m still not sure I found the right words for it.
I certainly can’t speak for everyone who is struggling with infertility, but I tried to think of some of the ways to offer support to those who are.
Ah, Al Trautwig. I had forgotten about you enitrely, but you did do us a favor.
The people affected by the flooding in Ellicott City continue to try to recover from that terrible night.
 (CNS photo/Marc elo del Pozo, Reuters)
The Queen of Heaven and Earth is at the top, as she should be. It reminds me of how at the blogging conference I attended earlier this year one of the speakers told us to talk with Mary before we write.
Thank you for visiting Open Window during 2016! I hope you’ll join me in 2017 on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and, of course, here on the blog. 

Linking up with Bobbi at Revolution of Love, where other bloggers are sharing their top posts from the year.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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