Elect a pro-life president

This in response to the article “Catholic may be heartbeat from the presidency” (CR,Aug. 28). I am deeply concerned that some readers may focus on the word “Catholic” and interpret the article as an endorsement of the Obama/Biden campaign. The headline should have read, “Pro-abortion Catholic may be heartbeat from the presidency.”

As Catholics, we have an opportunity and an obligation, on election day, to speak up for life and end the horrors of Roe v. Wade. We must elect a pro-life president of the United States. The next president will almost certainly be making new appointments to the Supreme Court of the United States and we need strict constitutionalists that will respect the right to life. This is our chance to overturn Roe v. Wade and strike a death blow to the abortion industry. The end of this heinous ruling will be the beginning of a new dialogue, affirming the indisputable truth that the right to life is inalienably endowed by our creator and cannot be denied by the government.

John McCain has stated that a baby has human rights “at the moment of conception.” Barack Obama, when asked when a baby has human rights, said that answer was “above his pay grade.” McCain has also affirmed that he and his administration would be pro-life. In contrast, Obama has the most pro-abortion voting record of any U.S. Senator, and has a score of 100 percent from NARAL, the National Abortion Rights League. As running mates, Obama chose Biden, a Catholic who supports legal abortion and has a score of 0 from the National Right to Life Committee. McCain has selected Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, who is staunchly pro-life.

We need a president with the courage and moral clarity to defend the rights of our most innocent and vulnerable citizens-the unborn.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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