Gala: A Night to Remember

The Catholic Review This past Saturday, approximately 1,100 people came together at the Baltimore Convention Center to raise money for tuition assistance for the children of our Catholic schools. If those who attended the third annual Archdiocese of Baltimore Gala were as impressed by the program as I was, they left the event with far...
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Positive Signs for Schools

The Catholic Review As reported in last week’s Catholic Review, we are moving full speed ahead with a process for parish planning in the Archdiocese. Though it will be vastly different from the process undertaken for the reorganization of Catholic schools, it may have many asking where we are with the implementation of the schools...
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Real Work Begins

The Catholic Review It has been one year since I first wrote about the need for a plan that addresses the challenges facing our parishes and seizes opportunities to create more vibrant faith communities in our Archdiocese. At our priests’ convocation last fall many of the priests present voiced concerns about the aging presbyterate (72...
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How Insensitive

The Catholic Review October is the month each year when the Catholic Church throughout the United States observes Respect Life Month. It is a 40-year-old tradition and a time when we raise awareness of the Church’s belief in the inherent equality and transcendent value of every human being, a belief that serves as the foundation...
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Healing Economy

The Catholic Review Earlier this month, we celebrated Labor Day, a national holiday to honor working people. But for millions of Americans, there has been little cause for celebration. Over nine percent in the nation are looking for work and millions who actually have jobs fear losing them, so precarious is the economic situation. Sadly,...
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Healing Economy

The Catholic Review Earlier this month, we celebrated Labor Day, a national holiday to honor working people. But for millions of Americans, there has been little cause for celebration. Over nine percent in the nation are looking for work and millions who actually have jobs fear losing them, so precarious is the economic situation. Sadly,...
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Collaboration Continues

The Catholic Review Since the announcement of my new appointment as pro-grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem (and eventual departure from the Archdiocese of Baltimore), there have been many questions asked about how this news impacts my plans and priorities, specifically those related to the reorganization of parishes. While...
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Source of Pride

The Catholic Review “We of Catholic Charities are a people of many faces – united by our belief in the infinite worth of every person and a singular commitment to cherish the Divine within us all.” At the press conference in which I announced my new appointment as pro-grand Master of the Equestrian Order of...
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Work Continues

The Catholic Review In considering how best to communicate to you, dear readers, the news of my appointment as Pro Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem – and thus my impending departure from Baltimore, I thought it best to share the same words I chose for my public announcement...
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The Creed

The Catholic Review I am most grateful to Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, who has given me permission to reprint a recent article of his. Given its length, the second part will appear next week. I am very well aware of the contentious nature of this issue among our people. I hope that...
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We Hear You

The Catholic Review I am most grateful to Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, who has given me permission to reprint a recent article of his. Given its length, the second part will appear next week. I am very well aware of the contentious nature of this issue among our people. I hope that...
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We Hear You

The Catholic Review Last week, I updated you on the consultations that have taken place this summer to guide the development of a process for parish planning in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Bishops Denis J. Madden and Mitchell T. Rozanski and I found the four consultations with lay parish leaders to be very revealing, as...
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