
June 6, 2020

IND students attempt to move on

They’re mourning the loss of a beloved institution, and searching for a new place to study and work – all while practicing remote learning because of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Declaración sobre la eliminación de las facultades sacerdotales del padre Carlos Osorio

La Arquidiócesis de Baltimore anuncia que ha eliminado las facultades sacerdotales de Padre Carlos Osorio, quien está en una excedencia efectiva de inmediato. Al Padre Osorio no se le permite ejercer ministerio en ninguna capacidad en la Arquidiócesis deBaltimore debido a relaciones sexuales que involucran a adultos que es inapropiada para un sacerdote. Se le...
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Statement on the Removal of the Priestly Faculties of Father Carlos Osorio

The Archdiocese of Baltimore is announcing that it has removed the priestly faculties of Father Carlos Osorio, who is on a leave of absence effective immediately. Father Osorio is not permitted to minister in any capacity in the Archdiocese of Baltimore due to sexual activity involving adults that is inappropriate for a priest. He has...
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