Pastoral Care

According to the 1997 USCCB document Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry, pastoral care is “a ministry of compassionate presence that enables healing and growth to take place within individuals and their relationships. It nurtures growth toward wholeness, it provides guidance in decision making and challenges obstacles to positive development.”

Resources are available to all who work in ministry with children and youth to aid in fostering healthy growth and development affectively, behaviorally and cognitively.



We are here to listen and connect you with Catholic resources and opportunities throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

Craig Gould
Director of the Division for Youth and Young Adult Ministries
Phone: 410-547-5555
Fax: 410-625-8481

Sarah Jarzembowski
Coordinator for College Campus and Young Adult Ministries
Phone: 410-541-5318
Fax: 410-625-8481

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