World Youth Day 2 recap…

Madrid- I’m working on more video clips and a photo album. Let’s just say the hotel internet fees aren’tt worth all the Euros! Wait, I think they’re knocking at my door. They’re so worth it. So, the clips are uploading to Youtube now and hopefully they’ll be embedded while Americans back home in Maryland are sleeping. Anyway, you came for the updates on World Youth Day. Nothing can prepare you for the size and scale of it, particularly opening Mass. Also, no one can prepare you for how far away you’re going to be in the crowd, even if you get there nearly two hours in advance. More than one million young people flooded one street as the Mass took place. Large screens were placed near the first three blocks, with speakers. Unfortunately, if you were beyond the three blocks, you barely heard anything from the Mass. Still, some priests were nice enough to give communion after Mass for those that couldn’t. The size of the crowd was enormous, more than one million it looked like. The kids from Archdiocese of Baltimore are awesome. Let’s just get that out of the way. No matter what’s been thrown at them, they’ve rolled with the punches. They’re tired, but full of passion and humor. Updates are coming very soon!

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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