There are nice people in the world

The news one reads in this present day is inundated with so much of what is wrong in our society. But I would like to share a story about Cub Scout Pack 1111 out of St. Augustine’s Church in Elkridge which I found to be so uplifting.

There is an elderly couple in our area, both sickly, who live in a very tiny house surrounded by huge trees. The woman needs a walker to get to the car when one takes her for a doctor’s visit, but the leaves piled high on her property were becoming a very dangerous impediment for her.

As soon as John Jadik, the leader of this Cub Scout Pack, was made aware of the situation, he organized his group, and with the very willing cooperation of 15 youth members, five siblings, six Scout leaders and 13 parents, in one day they bagged over 65 50-gallon trash bags of leaves. They also raked that same amount into the woods behind the house. They took a truckload of 40 bags to the dump, and the recyclers picked up the rest.

The next morning, there was a sparkle in that woman’s eye not seen in a long while as she exclaimed enthusiastically, “It was a miracle! Did you see what happened outside?”

She is too sickly to write notes so I told her I would do it for her, but I used this route to remind folks that there really are some nice people in this world.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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