Papal Honors

Archbishop Lori to recognize 17 missionary disciples with papal honors issued by the Vatican

To read about the honorees, click here

Knight or Dame of the Order of St. Gregory The Great

The most frequently bestowed on the diocesan level as a special mark of favor of the Holy See persons who diligently serve the church on the local level.

Papal Honorees: Knights

Thomas Baldwin
Charles E. Brown
Blasé Cooke
Edward K. Dunn, Jr.
Francis A. Gunther, Jr.
John Collins Harvey, M.D.
David W. Kinkopf, Esq.
Earl Linehan
George Milly
J. Emmett Queen, M.D.
Michael J. Ruck, Sr.
Truman T. Semans
Hilbert Stanley
James R. Stojak
John J. Sweeney, Jr.
Casper Taylor
Charles G. Tildon, Jr.


Knights Commander of the Holy Sepulchre with Star

Papal Honorees:

Deacon Robert L. Baker
Rev. Msgr. Jeremiah F. Kenney (Palm of Jerusalem; Diploma Benemerent;, First Counselor)
Most Rev. Denis J. Madden, D.D.
Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien
Michael J. Ruck, Sr.

Knights Commander of the Holy Sepulchre

Papal Honorees:

Charles H. Brown III
Edgar D. Haynes
Rev. Msgr. Joseph J. Luca
Melvin A. Pavik
Donald J. Slowinski, Sr.
Moody D. Wharam
Rev. Msgr. Steven P. Rohlfs, S.T.D.

Knights of the Holy Sepulchre

Papal Honorees:

Michael A. Abromitis
Thomas Baldwin
Edilberto R. Beltran
Louis C. Breschi
Samuel W. Chairs, Jr.
Edward Civera
Rev. William A. Collins
Rev. Dennis Diehl
John Easton
Frank F. Favazza
Francis M. Feeley
John Q. Feller
Rev. William P. Foley
James P. Garland
George J. Gonce
Rev. Stephen D. Gosnell
James A. Hamilton
Rev. Msgr. James V. Hobbs
B. Larry Jenkins
Sean P. Keller
Robert Richard Kern
Martin G. Knott
Basilio Lachica
Robert J. Mahon
John Francis Meredith
Paul J. Miller
Benjamin Monastero III
Charles E. Mooser
Mark D. Pacione
Gerard A. Perseghin
William T. Robinson
Robert J. Romadka, Sr.
George Russell
Orlando Reyes Sanidad
Rev. Kevin T. Schenning
Elias Shomali
Thomas J. Sonni
James R. Stojak
Leonard A. Strom
Rev. Msgr. Dennis Tinder
Rev. John B. Ward
Rev. Michael J. White


Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre with Star

Papal Honorees:

Elizabeth C. Baker
Wendy A. Ruck

Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre

Papal Honorees:

Carol Nevins Abromatis
Rita Adelina Ayd
Margaret Marie Baldwin
Diadema Simon Beltran
Marie-Alberte Boursiquot
Jacquelyn M. Breschi
Joanne C. Brown
Judith Civera
Donna Easton
Catherine E. Etchison
Emma E. Favazza
Patricia A. Garland
S. Margarita Gonce
Catherine H. Jenkins
Mary Keelty
Sharon Mary Ann Kern
Mary T. A. Knott
Erlinda Sijera Lachica
Gathann Owen Meredith
Josephine V. Miller
Tara Noonan
Carol J. Pacione
Eleanor Romadka
Barbara L. Robinson
Marion S. Russell
Janet May Shomali
Margaret V. Stine
Darlene A. Stojak
Elizabeth R. Thomas
Marie G. Woodhams
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