Mission of the Office of Divine Worship

Mission Statement: As its mission under the Department of Evangelization, the Office of Divine Worship of the Archdiocese of Baltimore serves all who celebrate the liturgy, that they might share in the primary and indispensable source of Christian life, and do so “fully aware of what they are doing, actively engaged in the rite, and enriched by its effects.” (SC 11) On fire with the Good News, we go forth to live and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ beyond the doors of the church.

  • Our primary ministry is to the archbishop, the principal liturgist of the local Church. With him we foster Sunday liturgy that nourishes and transforms the spiritual life of the People of God. We strive to further understanding in the areas of liturgical prayer, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, sacramental celebrations, and archdiocesan liturgies that model liturgy well-celebrated and the cultural diversity of our diocese.
  • We serve pastors who, at the archbishop’s delegation, preside at liturgical prayer within their parishes and institutions. With them we encourage authentic liturgical prayer that is both sensitive to the needs of the People of God and faithful to the directives of the Church. We do so by offering liturgical ministry materials, formation and consultation, and actively promoting sacred music, art and architecture.
  • Our ministry includes assistance to pastoral ministers, initiation directors, liturgical ministers, musicians, liturgy and environment committees and all those responsible for preparing and implementing various liturgical rites, that the People of God may be led to authentic liturgical prayer. To these we offer resources, training and on-going formation in the art and skills of public prayer.
  • In this way we ultimately serve the People of God by shepherding them to “full, conscious and active participation” (SC 14) which is their right by virtue of the baptismal call.
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