Maryland March for Life


In our first reading, God promises the almost impossible to the childless old man Abram: “I am making you the father of a host of nations. I will render you exceedingly fertile. I will make nations of you… and your descendents after you.

Abram was 100 years old when Isaac was born.

Little doubt as to the preciousness, the exceedingly valuable worth of Isaac – in the life of Abram and Sara, to the great Jewish people to this day and to us, Christians, sons and daughters of Abram and Isaac.

On what reasonable grounds and with what imaginable right can anyone suggest that any human life since that time of Abram, is less precious or valuable than that of Isaac? Or has less potential in the plan of our Creator?

What a savage, unconscionable, heinous act it would have been to have put this special gift of God, Isaac, to death in his mother’s womb.

And to how many potential Isaacs has that happened and is still happening.

As you march for life this evening know of the millions of silenced but prayerful infant voices that would be accompanying you, encouraging you on.

Know of the gratitude of your Church for your many generous hours of volunteer pro life work, often virtually anonymous – whether you be praying outside abortion factories, establishing and maintaining counseling centers, manning hot lines or posting Gabriel Network signs. With the Faith of Abraham you will be rewarded by the God of Life.

Personally, permit me to offer my heartfelt thanks for your living out of the pledge I made on behalf of this Archdiocese on October 1 last year.

The right to life is the greatest civil rights issue of our time. This is the issue that will determine whether America remains a hospitable society, committed to caring for women in crisis and their unborn children, — or whether America betrays our heritage and the truths on which the founders staked their claims to independence here in Archdiocese of Baltimore.

No one has to have an abortion. To all those in crisis pregnancies, I pledge our support and our financial help. Come to the Catholic Church. Let us walk with you through your time of trouble. Let us help you affirm life. Abortion need not be an answer in this Archdiocese.

Thank you for helping put these words into action by your walk for life this night.

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