Father James Martin slideshow and audio

When it comes to priests, they don’t make them much cooler than Jesuit Father James Martin of America Magazine. He’s become famous for his appearances on The Colbert Report with comedian Stephen Colbert and his books, My Life with the Saints and A Jesuit Guide To (Almost) Everything. Colbert, a catechist at his home parish, regularly mixes in some Catholic catechesis with his biting satire. Father Martin and Colbert are helping make Catholicism cool for 21st century young adults who might not know the faith.

I got to sit down with Father Martin, along with fellow Catholic Review reporter George Matysek, for an interview July 29 at St. Ignatius in Baltimore. Below are some photos from a book signing, along with some audio from our interview.

More is coming. Father Martin had a lot to say in what was one of my favorite interviews ever.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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