Resources for Parish Leaders

April 2021 VBS Idea Sharing

Passcode: 6MrHw@Z7  (note: there is a pause between the Risk Management piece and the return from break out rooms)

Spring 2021 Publisher Presentations

Sophia Press          Suzanne Walsh

Catholic Brain     Passcode: %.pYuc7*  Pete Socks (large discount available when a total of 20 parishes/ schools subscribe)

RCL Benziger Passcode: L6ky%3ZF   Linda Beckwith

Loyola Press   Passcode: t3Qh@.%k     Paul Gallagher

Our Sunday Visitor   Passcode: n0BQd?Rb  Robin Kennovin (discounts before May 31st)

Ongoing Formation Through the Catechetical Institute

Week 1: Introduction to the Catechetical Institute.  Here Bill Keimig explains the history and background experience that led to the creation of the Institute.   It’s long, but the end wraps it up nicely!

The Institute wants to help local communities develop ongoing formation at all levels and ages. Part of this ongoing formation is ongoing conversion. Spiritual formation is our first priority. The goal for every catechist is to “become what you teach” — to become a witness. The person of the catechist — not their skill or the program they run — is what makes for effective catechesis.

Week 2: Key Elements of the CI Formation System

Week 3: How to mentor in an online context

Week 4: Discerning whom to mentor/ accompany

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