Displeased by advertisement in the Catholic Review

I turn to the Catholic Review to learn more about our diocese, our faith and the news of the church. It was concerning to open the Feb. 16 issue to see an advertisement for a student retreat offered by Young America’s Foundation “to provide the Catholic Response to the Left’s agenda on critical issues including life, marriage and ‘social justice’.” 

While I recognize the need for revenue to support the publication, advertisements that are so polemical seem out of place in a publication that speaks to our entire Catholic community. My understanding is that the Catholic Church is deeply committed to social justice – no quotations are needed.

It would be deeply concerning if readers of the Catholic Review were left with the impression that the church were more aligned with a particular political ideology. I turn to the Catholic Review for inspiration and reflection.  I hope this is not disrupted in the future by more advertisements of this nature.

Stephen T. Wegener


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Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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