Column condemning cohabitation appreciated

I would like to applaud Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien for his column (CR, April 7). I was happy to see cohabitation condemned and marriage upheld by the church publicly. His message was one that is seldom heard anymore. We live in a society where cohabitation and premarital sex are “the norm.” Even among the body of Christ, a person is viewed as odd or rare when they live according to this aspect of church teaching. However, God knew that a lifestyle of sex outside the bounds of marriage is anything but normal. He gave us this teaching and the magisterium upholds it because it is right; its adherence brings healing to people and relationships when it is followed. We live in a world where society and the media lie to us by telling us there are no consequences to cohabitation and premarital sex. May our eyes be opened to the truth as spoken by God and the church.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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