Vatican Documents on the Diaconate

In 1998, the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education published the document titled Basic Norms for the Formation of Permanent Deacons, and the Congregation for the Clergy published the document titled Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons. Both documents were published jointly and appear together in one book.

The diaconate has changed much during the last thirty years since the it was re-instituted as a permanent order in the Church. These documents reflect those changes, yet reaffirms the principles and values that make the diaconate a viable and necessary Order, and each deacon a valuable servant and minister in the life of the Church in communion with the Holy Father, our Archbishop and Vicar Bishops, and the presbyterate.

May these documents provide you much food for thought, prayer, and reflection.

For questions or more information, please contact the Division of Clergy Personnel.

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