A Father’s Life-Giving Presence

They say that you don’t fully appreciate something until it’s gone. Perhaps, you’ve experienced this before when you’ve run out of gas in your car, or money in your bank account, or crabs at a crabfeast, or maybe there was someone important in your life who isn’t present anymore. This lack or absence leaves a […]

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Tears of Joy from a Burning Heart

This Summer I was blessed with the opportunity to attend the Institute of Priestly Formation held each summer at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. The IPF program gives the seminarians time to be with the Lord on a personal level and deepens their desire for prayer. During the second week of the program, I participated […]

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The Heart of Prayer

Ian Nelson, Pre-Theology II, Saint John Paul II Seminary           Coming to the end of a long day at the end of a busy week at the close of my first year of seminary, I realize that I haven’t spent any time in prayer. I just got home earlier that evening, and, feeling exhausted and […]

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An Introduction

Greetings in Christ! Welcome to the “Hearts Burning” blog organized and written by the seminarians of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Writing to you now is seminarian John Bilenki. I am in Third Theology and serve as one of the editors for this blog. On behalf of my brother seminarians, I wish to make known to […]

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