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Saving the environment, parish resources

The Catholic Review (Sept. 11) showed Father Syracuse holding a compact fluorescent light bulb. That may have been the single best photo you’ve run all year to help struggling parishes meet their needs and serve their people. As your editorial (Sept. 25) said, “we can’t afford it” is heard much too often. Despite the somewhat flamboyant way they put it, a promotion (www.energystar.gov/changetheworld) from the Environmental Protection Agency is genuine and valid. Their calculations are correct and their numbers are accurate. There is a huge amount of money to be saved, via simple energy-conservation measures. Churches in particular should be attentive, since donations are down in these uncertain economic times. It would be a shame if people forget about all the other things they mention, besides light bulbs. I encourage you to continue to promote energy conservation.

Don’t forget Catholic High founder

“Connect to Catholics” (CR, Sept. 25) was informative and historically interesting. Having taught in the archdiocese for eighteen years (4 at St. Stephen, Bradshaw and 14 at The Catholic High School of Baltimore), I would like to draw attention to another person who made a difference here – Mother Mary Generosa McCafferty, provincial of The Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia.

Taking Stock

The Catholic Review These are uncertain times. Banks are failing, Wall Street is reeling, and the cost of just about everything seems to be through the roof. Talk of bailouts and mergers, record declines and a looming recession—not to mention the fast-approaching presidential election– has much of the nation in a frenzy of uncertainty and […]

Pets receive blessings

Throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore, pets received special blessings the weekend of Oct. 4-5 in commemoration of the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. Some parishes holding pet blessings were St. Charles Borromeo in Pikesville, St. Casimir in Canton and Ss. Philip and James, Charles Village.

Respect Life Sunday is October 5th

Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien, of Baltimore, will celebrate the Archdiocese’s annual Respect Life Mass on Sunday, October 5, at 11 a.m. at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. While the Respect Life program is year-round, October is observed as Respect Life Month and the first Sunday in October is designated as Respect Life Sunday by […]