Sunday Snippets: A Catholic Carnival

After blogging very little during Holy Week and Easter, I wrote a lot this past week, so I’m linking up with RAnn for her weekly Catholic Carnival.

My 5-year-old son explains eternal life in Which comes first–Easter or the eggs?

I realize I’m not adequately exposing our children to the outdoors in what could have been a great April Fools joke in A prickly encounter with nature.

I share my thoughts on one of Pope Benedict’s Jesus of Nazareth books in Book Review: Walking with Pope Benedict XVI on my Lenten journey.

Even our 3-year-old’s first visit to the dentist turns into a conversation about heaven in A trip to the dentist brings smiles and a heavenly toothbrush.

I’m really enjoying linking up with Jen every week at Conversion Diary in my 7 Quick Takes Friday.

And St. Anthony comes through for Leo, 5, in To the Batmobile! We’ll just need St. Anthony first.

See other Catholic bloggers’ posts from the week at RAnn’s Place.