Seeing as God sees


Last Sunday,  the “midway point” of Lent, we heard the beautiful, amazing account from the Gospel of John of the “man born blind” (John 9:1-41.) In it we see a beautiful progression of faith, not so much unlike the one of the Samaritan woman who earlier proclaimed Christ to her whole town after a life-changing encounter with him (from John 4.)
The encounter of the blind man, now healed with new vision and sight, ends with him professing his own faith in Jesus: “I do believe, Lord” as he worshipped him, St. John notes. But what is most inspiring and enlightening is what happens before this moment. The blind man, who has never been able to see, not only begins to see visually but begins to understand who Jesus truly is. It is really all about “seeing” on a deeper level: as we hear also in the Book of Samuel as David becomes the “chosen one”: “Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance but the Lord looks into the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7.)
We might consider a pause to reflect on the way we “see” – spiritually speaking. Seeing the “heart” of a man, woman or child is the way to start seeing as God does. Not judgmentally but rather compassionately does Jesus look upon the blind man. If we see – and then live – in this way, it will not only change our lives but the lives of those around us. In this way we do indeed live as children of light, bringing the bright Light of Christ into an often dark world: hence, helping others to see God’s presence in their midst.