Healing the Wounds of Abortion Involvement
Healing the Wounds of Abortion Involvement

Project Rachel serves all women and men hurting emotionally and spiritually after involvement with abortion. This ministry helps heal your wounded relationships with yourself, your child and God. Extending God’s compassion, unconditional love, and forgiveness, Project Rachel offers hope and peace.


If you are interested in attending a retreat or would like to speak with a peer minister, a priest or counselor, please contact us: or
(410) 625-8491 (call) or
(410) 299-9345 (text)


All of our services are confidential


“Thank you for everything yesterday. I got so much out of it. It was therapeutic to be in the same room as other women who could understand what I’ve been feeling and going through. It means more than I can put into words. It is both heartbreaking and strangely relieving to know so many women have been calling for help lately. I pray they are able to get as much out of the experience as I have.”

Project Rachel Baltimore Retreat Participant

“I could never express the depth of gratitude I have for what you and the others provided [at the retreat]. I’ve never experienced a greater atmosphere of safety, love, kindness, support, mercy, and compassion. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Project Rachel Baltimore Retreat Participant


God's healing love and mercy are always possible
Watch videos below to learn more

Watch this testimony from a mother who had an abortion who received healing from Project Rachel ministry. See how Project Rachel helped to turn her life around.

Watch this mother who had two abortions tell the story of her journey to healing after abortion. See how God worked through the many ups and downs of her life to bring her to be healed after abortion and able to help others.

Watch this video of fathers who participated in abortions. Listen to them tell their stories of regret and apologize to women for their participation in abortion.

Women and men from many different backgrounds and walks of life share their abortion experience and testimony of the healing that they received through a post-abortion healing ministry. 

Victoria Koloff shares her story of having an abortion. She speaks about how the trauma of her abortion experience eventually led her to search for healing and how she now speaks publicly about it so that other women do not go down the same path.

A woman speaks about her abortion experience many years later and her journey towards find hope and healing after abortion.

2024: Nov 23 (in Spanish) 2025: May 16, Aug 8

Location: Confidential, disclosed after registration

Registration cost: $40 (scholarships available)

For confidential inquiries and registration, please contact Project Rachel Ministry:
Call (410) 625-8491
Text (410) 299-9345

**please complete forms 2 weeks prior to event to reserve spot

“Come away…and rest for a while.” – Jesus

Day of Prayer & Healing

Day of Prayer & Healing retreat offers a beautiful opportunity for healing to those who have struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of an abortion.

It is a chance to get away from the daily pressures of work and family, to focus on a painful time in life, and to begin healing through a supportive and non-judgmental process.
Spiritual exercises focusing on God’s forgiveness, compassion, and mercy are shared through psychological exercises which help participants work through repressed grief and anger that may exist. Many preconceived fear of condemnation are transformed into blessings; memories of abandonment, pain, and confusion are replaced by peace and reconciliation.

This day will focus on God’s love and forgiveness in a nonjudgmental environment. Based in Catholicism, the retreat is open to and welcomes individuals of all denominations.

The day begins on Saturday around 9:00 a.m. and finishes around 5:00 p.m.

Jan 3-4-5, 2025

Location: Confidential, disclosed after registration

Registration cost: $200 (scholarships available)

For confidential inquiries and registration, please contact Project Rachel Ministry:
Call (410) 625-8491
Text (410) 299-9345

**please complete forms 2 weeks prior to event to reserve spot

"Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." – Jesus

Weekend of Hope & Healing

Weekend of Hope & Healing retreat offers a beautiful opportunity to any woman or man who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of an abortion.

The retreat is a chance to get away from the daily pressures of work and family, to focus on a painful time in life, and to begin healing through a supportive and non-judgmental process. Spiritual exercises focusing on God’s forgiveness, compassion, and mercy are shared through psychological exercises which help participants work through repressed grief and anger that may exist. Many preconceived fear of condemnation are transformed into blessings; memories of abandonment, pain, and confusion are replaced by peace and reconciliation.

This retreat will focus on God’s love and forgiveness in a nonjudgmental environment. Based in Catholicism, the retreat is open to and welcomes individuals of all denominations.

The weekend begins on Friday late afternoon and concludes Sunday early afternoon.


More Healing Opportunities

Project Rachel
Entering Canaan
Sisters of Life
Your Abortion Experience
Rachel’s Vineyard
Support After Abortion
Can’t Stay Silent

+ Frequently Asked Questions

What is Project Rachel?

It is the Church’s ministry which operates as a network of professional clergy, licensed counselors and volunteers all trained to provide one-on-one spiritual and psychological support for those who are suffering from the trauma of abortion.

It offers one-on-one support, clergy and counseling referrals, day and weekend retreats, as well as, ongoing support in monthly gatherings.

What does post-abortion stress look like?

Have you become a different person since your abortion experience? Many are surprised at the impact it has on their lives. Post Abortion Stress (PAS) manifests itself in many ways. Some just take days to notice the symptoms, others take decades. Nonetheless, PAS is real. These questions touch on some of the more common symptoms, and might help you identify a few of the broken places in your life.

Do you avoid articles or television programs that deal with abortion?
Do you fear punishment from God?
Do you want to keep your abortion a secret?
Are you uncomfortable around pregnant women, baby clothes, babies or children?
Do you worry about not being able to get pregnant when you want to?
Have your relationships changed, especially those with the opposite sex? If so, how?
Did you feel that abortion was your choice?
Have any of the following been an issue for you since your abortion(s):
Eating disorders?
Increased use or abuse of drugs or alcohol?
Sadness or depression especially at certain times of the year?
Suicidal thoughts?
Nightmares or flashbacks, difficulty sleeping?
Risky sexual behaviors?
Decreased self-esteem?
Do you feel that you are alone, with no one to talk to, no one to understand?

Is abortion an unforgiveable sin? Can God forgive me after having an abortion?

Abortion is not an unforgiveable sin. Yes, God can and desires to forgive a woman or man who has had or participated in an abortion.

“Do not be afraid, Draw close to my heart. There you will find the peace and happiness you seek. Jesus speaks these words to every human being in every generation. He knows well that each of us is broken by sin and burdened by selfishness and past hurts. As St. Paul has written, ‘all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.’ Yet we are saved ‘by his grace as a gift, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus (Rom. 3:24).’

You may be thinking, ‘I don’t deserve to be forgiven. My sins are too great!’ Thankfully, God’s love is greater than all the sins of all time. Jesus offers his grace and forgiveness to every repentant heart. All we have to do is ask and begin to trust in his mercy.

As Pope John Paul II wrote: ‘No human sin can erase the mercy of God, or prevent him from unleashing all his triumphant power, if we only call upon him.’

A great 20th century apostle of Divine Mercy, St. Faustina, recorded in her Diary the consoling words of Jesus: I want ‘all souls to trust in the unfathomable abyss of My mercy, because I want to save them all.’ And He assured her that “the greater the misery of a soul, the greater its right to My mercy.’

The misery of a soul grieving from abortion calls for an outpouring of God’s mercy.”

Source: excerpt from Project Rachel Ministry brochure

Who is affected by abortion?

Mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings, friends, doctors, peers, and whole communities. No one is an island; we are all connected. When one person suffers, we all suffer. The effects of abortion can have a ripple effect throughout families and communities.

43% of women age 45 or older have had at least one abortion.
47% of abortions are repeat abortions
70% of women choosing abortion believe that abortion is morally wrong. They are choosing against their consciences because of some pressure, from others or circumstances, which make them feel they have no other choice (1).

Source 1: The Jericho Plan: Breaking Down the Walls Which Prevent Post-Abortion Healing, by David C. Reardon. Springfield, IL: Acorn Books, 1996.
(Statistics in the U.S.)

Are men affected too?

Yes. Men can suffer from abortion, sometimes years after the abortion takes place. They can experience similar trauma as women because of their sense of lost fatherhood. They may regret not convincing the mother to change her mind and taking on the responsibility of fatherhood, or failed to speak up because the law and society reinforce the idea that it is only “her choice”. In some cases, they may have had no say in the abortion.

Other signs of post-abortion stress in men that may differ from women are workaholism or turning to pornography.

Who can benefit from Project Rachel?

Anyone who has been affected by abortion. Women and men; grandparents, adult children.

What kind of services does Project Rachel provide?

Referral to Professional Counselors
Referral to a priest or deacon
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Peer-to-peer ministry (Companioning)
Retreats (one day and weekend)
Monthly Gatherings (ongoing support)

How can get in contact with Project Rachel Baltimore?

Call: 410-625-8491
Text: 410-299-9345

How can I support Project Rachel Baltimore?

Email See this infographic form details on how parishes can get involved. Basic ways to get involved are:

  • Community Awareness (Become a Project Rachel Advocate). Contact
  • Clergy and counselors are always needed for retreats and also for referrals. Contact
  • Become a Project Rachel Companion: we are looking for women and men to accompany women and men in their journey toward healing and peace.
  • Financial support. Retreatants are sometimes unable to afford the cost of the retreats and counseling, so we are always looking for scholarship funding. If you would like to donate or arrange a fundraiser, please email:

Peace Starts Here.

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